My last post focussed on words that are formed within English from other English words with non-English origins. I mostly concentrated on European donor languages, because they make up the overwhelming majority, and show the most variation. But English Englishes wherever it goes, and non-European languages have contributed plenty of English words over the years.
Many of these words will remain exotic, on the barely-Englished periphery of the language (the same is true of European sources: when is the last time you discussed Verfremdungseffekt with your friends? Yes, it is there in OED3), but some are destined to enter the mainstream, and one way to measure this is by comparing the number of new English words it engenders.
The most frequent (OED3 contains frequency data borrowed from Google Books) of these are mainly adjectives formed from proper nouns, usually for groups associated with the donor language (either the speakers themselves, or an intermediary contact group). According to the OED3 data, they are: Japanese (from Japan < Malay), Jewish (fr. Jew < Hebrew), Islamic (fr. Islam < Arabic and Turkish), Buddhist/Buddhism (fr. Buddha < Skt), Caribbean (fr. Carib < Cariban), Hinduism (fr. Hindu < Urdu and Persian).
These aren’t particularly interesting, I don’t think, nor is there much to be made of their relative frequencies. So below, for fun, I’ve selected 5 Englished derivatives from among the top quartile or so for each of OED3’s non-European language groups:
African Languages
Australian Languages
Austronesian Languages
Central and East Asian
New World (Indigenous, Pigins and Creoles)
Indian Subcontinent
Middle Eastern/Afro-Asiatic
And finally, according to my data, the 5 borrowed words with non-European origins that have given rise to the most new English words:
Lexical Progenitivity
Loanword | English Derivatives |
alkali (Arabic) 26 | alkaliferous, alkalous, alkali, alkalimetric, alkalimeter, alkalimetry, alkalimetrical, alkalify, alkaligenous, alkaligen, alkaline, alkalic, alkalaemia, alkalescent, alkalamide, alkalotic, alkalosis, alkaloid, alkathene, alkalious, Alka-Seltzer, alkalied, alkamine, alkalize, alkalized, alkalide |
orange (Arabic-Perian-Sanskrit) 24 | orange tree, orange skin, orange fly, oranged, orange colour, orange-yellow, orangey, orange flower, orange peel, oranger, orange-red, orange-tawny, orange tip, orange pekoe, orange leaf, orange-bellied, orangequit, orange blossom, orangeado, orangeade, orangish, Orangeman, orange pill, orange-coloured |
alcohol (Arabic) 23 | alky, alkyd, alcoholiday, alcoholometric, alcoometrical, alcogel, alcoholimetric, alcohometer, alcoholometry, alcometer, alcoholysis, alcoholic, alcoholate, alcoate, -al, alcoholized, alcoholmeter, alcoholometer, alcoholize, alcosol, alc., alcoholism, alcoholist |
pepper (Indo-Aryan) 21 | pepperer, pepperish, pepper-quern, pepper tree, pepperpot, pepperwort, peppery, pepper-water, pepperwood, pepper gas, pepper, pepper-and-salt, pepperbox, pepper castor, pepper spray, pepperbush, peppermint, pepperette, peppergrass, pep, peppernut |
quina (Quecha) 17 | quinizarin, quinogen, quiniferous, quinide, quinimetry, quinology, quinotannate, quinoyl, quinoidine, quinol, quinologist, quinone, quinotannic, quinamine, quinate, quinic, quinia |
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