Every year The Life of Words hosts a poetry competition, open to anyone attending an Ontario Secondary School. On this page you can find news about the 2019 competition, including our competition flyer (below) and, eventually, our anthology of winners.
This year’s winner is Nika Ribnitski from Lawrence Park CI in Toronto, who wins money and poetry prizes for herself and her school, for her poem ” Désastre “:
Comme un arbre renversé
Par un terrible vent inattendu,
« Désastre » trouve ses racines
Dans les étoiles. DisperséeÀ travers la nuit méditerranéenne,
Cette majestueuse tapisserie suspendue
Dévoile la valse des mythes
En constellations et en éclipses.Mais quand une comète déphase la danse,
Lumineuse, étrange et inconnue,
« Dis » rejoint « astro »
Sur les lèvres tremblantes ancestrales.Cette « mauvaise étoile » est un présage céleste,
Annonçant le déplaisir divin
Et les horreurs épouvantables
Qui suivent une telle démonstration.Répété sans cesse par les voix maudits,
« Disastro » se transforme en « Désastre »
Et au moment où les étoiles s’aligneront,
Les voix retourneront au ciel.
Congratulations to Nika, and thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s competition!
1 May 2019. Contest is Closed!
Thank you to everyone who sent in poems. We received over 150 poems this year from students all across Ontario. We’ll be reading them in the next few weeks, and will be in touch with everyone who submitted, before the end of May at the latest. Good luck!
25 March 2019. The Life of Words 2019 Competition Flyer Released!
Here’s all you need to know about this year’s competition, plus some tips and resources to get you started on your poem. [You can download a high-quality PDF of this flyer to view or print here].

[You can download a high-quality PDF of this flyer to view or print here]
Anthologies from previous years’ competitions are archived here.