ICHLL 7 – Conference in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

In the Canary Islands tonight, getting ready for the 7th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL2014). A fascinating line-up of talks, most on subjects way astray of my field of knowledge. A list of papers and abstracts is here. My talk will be on some of my recent digital work with the OED and poetry corpora.

Of incidental socio-linguistic interest, the conference dinner is scheduled for “Thursday afternoon”, which here equates to 21:00 (or 9m, for those whose clocks don’t go past 12). The time is, certainly, after noon, but not usually thought of as “afternoon”. Then again, “dinner” has meant different things to different people at different times, and different times to different people, as I’ve noted before.  Perhaps that’s why in Oxford they tend to call these “conference banquets”, [see, for example, the advertisement for our homologue, the 7th International Symposium on Fretting Fatigue – ISFF7] though I can think of other reasons too why that term might be preferred.

Looking forward to all of it. Gobbets may end up posted here.

[I almost wrote bribes may end up being posted here. Note to self to post on bribe, a Gallicism manqué]

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